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There are so many great reasons to become a TRPDX Member!

See how you can benefit and support your Total Rewards community by joining now!

Your Professional Development

Stay on cutting edge of the compensation and benefits field. Improve your professional skills, grow your confidence and advance your career, through

  • WorldatWork certification courses - as a member you get DISCOUNTS on courses using our promo code
  • “Hot topic” workshops and seminars
Access the Member Only website – catch up on news from others, participate in timely member-only mini-surveys or network with a colleague in another company
Access our job Bank – advertise positions in your company or locate a new position for yourself

Your Chance to Contribute

Membership enables you to share your professional expertise with others, helps you to understand and meet your needs, permits you to get involved by volunteering on a TRPDX committee, help with a workshop or assume a role on the Board.
Overall, membership provides you the chance to contribute to the community.

Your Opportunity to Network

With members from Oregon and SW Washington organizations, TRPDX provides networking opportunities to help you find a solution to a challenge or learn from the practices and policies of your peers.  TRPDX membership is open to compensation, benefits and other human resources professionals, and to students considering a career in the human resource field.
Affiliation agreements with local groups that allow you to attend PHRMA, SWHRMA, and Salem HRMA events at the member rate.

Your Opportunity to Have Fun

We are in this to have a good time too. Won’t you join us?

(c) 2019 Columbia-Willamette Compensation Group/Total Rewards PDX
Formed in 1990 to support area professionals, CWCG/TRPDX is a Local Network affiliate of WorldatWork.
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